National Strategy and Policy Framework on Sustainable Low-Carbon Urban Transport
The MOVE Mobility team together with its Georgian partner “Foundation Partnership for Road Safety” has been assigned to provide support for the Development of the National Strategy and Policy Framework on Sustainable Low-Carbon Urban Transport in Georgia.
The assignment is part of the project “Green Cities: Integrated Sustainable Urban Transport for the City of Batumi and the Achara Region” ISTBAR. The project is funded by the Global Environmental Facility and implemented by UNDP.
Meant as a response to the pressing issues that urban transport is facing in Georgia, this assignment proposed a national vision, policy guidelines (based on the Enable – Avoid – Shift – Improve framework) and a set of strategic interventions in various areas related to urban transport (public transport, NMT, traffic management and safety, travel demand, institutional and financial arrangements) in order to improve accessibility and mobility in Georgian urban areas. The stated purpose of this assignment was:
- to facilitate and support the formulation of the National Strategy and Policy Framework on Sustainable Low-Carbon Urban Transport;
- to encourage the development of low-carbon urban transport systems and;
- to improve the quality and sustainability of urban transport (including all modes of urban transport) and road traffic safety in Georgian cities.
The results of the project would help Georgian cities to move towards achieving their Covenant of Mayors (CoM) commitment to reduce emissions with 20% by the year 2020, compared with the business-as-usual (BAU) scenario, by providing local and national authorities the tools that can be used to shift current practices towards sustainable actions in the urban transport sector. The proposals have been developed based on stakeholders input, but also based on experiences of European countries and cities that have proved to be most successful in addressing the challenges of urban transport, adapting the lessons to Georgian reality.