Cycling Fellow Program for US Cities
The Cycling Fellows for Memphis, Kyle Wagenschutz and Tonny Bosch, designated a new planning approach for Memphis.
USA, Memphis
Dutch Embassy in the USA
Cities around the world are making efforts to offer their citizens more sustainable transportation options, including bicycling. The Netherlands is the world leader in cycling. Here cities have managed to include safe bicycling in modern transportation systems. It is a living lab and a source of inspiration.
In 2015, the Netherlands started to support the Cycling Fellow Program for US Cities. The Dutch Cycling Embassy in cooperation with the Dutch Embassy in the US carried out this initiative. The objective was to facilitate an exchange between Dutch experts and their US counterparts, starting in four cities (Denver, Memphis, Indianapolis and Pittsburgh).
The Cycling Fellows for Memphis were Kyle Wagenschutz (Memphis, now People for Bikes) and Tonny Bosch (MOVE Mobility). The program ran for more than six months; visiting the Netherlands and Memphis was part of it. Memphis has a lot to do to become a ‘cycling city’. After a good start in recent years the fellows designated a new planning approach for Memphis. The final map shows seven projects (so called ’Jewels’). The idea is that these jewels will lift the whole urban area to a higher cycling level. And this is not only about infrastructure and vehicles; organisation and communication/promotion is a big part of it.